Marcińczak, S., Iglesias-Pascual, R., Kopeć, D., Klaudia Wróbel, K., Mooses, V. (2025). Landscapes of thermal inequality: Exploring patterns of climate justice across multiple spatial scales in Spain. Landscape and Urban Planning, 254,


Aasa, A. (2024) Kriminaalhooldusaluste käitumiskontrolli nõuete ja kohustuste täitmise mobiilirakenduse abil jälgimise võimalused. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 114. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 105. aastapäeval, Toim. Taavi Pae, Jaan Pärn, lk 75-97

Altin, L., Silm, S., Saluveer, E. (2024) Suurkontsertide ja turismisündmuste külastajate profiili võrdlus mobiilpositsioneerimise andmetel. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 114. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 105. aastapäeval, Toim. Taavi Pae, Jaan Pärn, lk 117-134

Altin, L., Suitso, E-M., Neito, M., Luik, I. (2024) Lahe geograafiatund. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 114. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 105. aastapäeval, Toim. Taavi Pae, Jaan Pärn, lk 283-292

Jaagus, J., Sagris, V., Aasa, A., Sepp, M. (2024) Kuumalained Eestis perioodil 1951–2024. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 114. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 105. aastapäeval, Toim. Taavi Pae, Jaan Pärn, lk 250-268

Khreis, H., Williams, H., Abdollahpour, S. S., van den Bosch, M., Mudu, P., Tainio, M., Poom, A., Sohrabi. S., Hankey, S. (2024). The nexus of transportation, the built environment, air pollution and health. Cities & Health, 1–20.

Le, H.T.K., Poom, A. (2024). Advancing environmental exposure and health impact assessment research with travel behaviour studies. Transport Reviews, 44(4): 733-742,

Mooses, V., Silm, S., Puura, A., Masso, A., Tominga, A., Saluveer, E. (2024) Sotsiaalsete võrgustike koosseisu ja ruumikasutuse seos mobiiltelefoniandmete põhjal. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 114. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 105. aastapäeval, Toim. Taavi Pae, Jaan Pärn, lk 98-116

Poom, A. Jalonen, E. A., Haamer, M., Korp, L., Aasa, A., Tominga, A. (2024) Tartu Ülikooli liikuvusuuring. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 114. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 105. aastapäeval, Toim. Taavi Pae, Jaan Pärn, lk 135-152

Poom, A., Jalonen, E., Korp, L. (2024). Tartu Ülikooli tudengid ja töötajad eelistavad kestlikke liikumisviise. Liikumine ja Sport, 27: 46-51,

Silm, S., Tominga, A., Saidla, K., Poom, A., Tammaru, T. (2024). Socio-economic and residential differences in urban modality styles based on a long-term smartphone experiment. Journal of Transport Geography, 115,

Silm, S., Tominga, A., Saidla, K., Poom, A., Tammaru, T. (2024) Sotsiaalmajanduslikud ja elukoha erinevused liikumisstiilides pikaajalise nutitelefoni eksperimendi andmetel. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 114. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 105. aastapäeval, Toim. Taavi Pae, Jaan Pärn, lk 47-64


Helle, J., Poom, A., Willberg, E., Toivonen, T. (2023). The Green Paths Route Planning Software for Exposure-Optimised Active Travel. Journal of open research software, 11(1),

Laidra, K., Reile, R., Havik, M., Leinsalu, M., Murd, C., Tulviste, J., Tamson, M., Akkermann, K., Kreegipuu, K., Sultson, H., Ainsaar, M., Uusberg, A., Rahno, J., Panov, L., Leetmaa, K., Aasa, A., Veidebaum, T., Lehto, K., Konstabel, K. (2023). Estonian National Mental Health Study: Design and methods for a registry-linked longitudinal survey. Brain and behavior, e3106.

Realo, A., Silm, S., Tiru, M., Allik, J. (2023) Does personality predict traveling abroad as indicated by mobile phone data? The idea of the mobile personality revisited. Journal of Research in Personality, 103, 104355,

Telve, K., Vill, K., Silm, S. (2023) Transnationalism in the digital age: Estonians connected to their country of origin via ICT. Journal of Baltic Studies, 1–19,

Tominga, A., Silm, S., Orru, K., Vent, K., Klaos, M., Võik, E-J., Saluveer, E. (2023) Mobile positioning-based population statistics in crisis management: An Estonian case study. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 96,

Torkko, J., Poom, A., Willberg, E., Toivonen, T. (2023) How to best map greenery from a human perspective? Comparing computational measurements with human perception. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 5,

Willberg, E., Poom, A., Helle, J., Toivonen, T. (2023) Cyclists’ exposure to air pollution, noise, and greenery: a population-level spatial analysis approach. International Journal of Health Geographics, 22(5), 1–21,


Altin, L., Ahas, R., Silm, S., Saluveer, E. (2022) Megastar concerts in tourism: a study using mobile phone data. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 22(2), 161–180,

Johansson, L., Poom, A., Niemi, J., Timonen, H., Karppinen, A. (2022) On the Utilization of Real-Time Activity and Air Quality Sensor Data in a Local-Scale Operative Dispersion Model in Helsinki. In Mensink, C., Jorba, O. (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Complexity: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVIII, 43–50,

Masso, A., Silm, S., Järv, O. (2022) Mobile positioning data. In A. Ceron (Ed.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Technology and Politics, 111–114,

Mooses, V., Pastak, I., Kamenjuk, P., Poom, A. (2022) Residents’ Perceptions of a Smart Technology Retrofit Towards Nearly Zero-Energy Performance. Urban Planning, 7(2), 20–32,

Poltimäe, H., Rehema, M., Raun, J., Poom, A. (2022) In search of sustainable and inclusive mobility solutions for rural areas. European Transport Research Review, 14(13),

Puura, A., Silm, S., Masso, A. (2022) Identifying relationships between personal social networks and spatial mobility: A study using smartphone tracing and related surveys. Social Networks, 68, 306–317,

Raun, J., Järv, O., Okkonen, P., Rantanen, M., Hyyryläinen, T., Ryynänen, T., Toivonen, T. (2022) New avenues for second home tourism research using big data: prospects and challenges. Current Issues in Tourism, 26(6), 890–902,

Raun, J., Silm, S. (2022) Mobile Positioning Data. In D. Buhalis (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing,


Aasa, A., Kamenjuk, P., Saluveer, E., Šimbera, J., Raun, J. (2021) Spatial interpolation of mobile positioning data for population statistics. Journal of Location Based Services, 15(4), 239-260,

Goel, R., Sharma, R., Aasa, A. (2021) Studying segregation in Estonia using call data records. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 11(98),

Goel R, Sharma R, Aasa A. (2021) Understanding gender segregation through Call Data Records: An Estonian case study. PLoS ONE 16(3),

Järv, O., Masso, A., Silm, S., Ahas, R. (2021) The Link Between Ethnic Segregation and Socio‐Economic Status: An Activity Space Approach. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 112(3), 319–335,

Järv, O., Tominga, A., Müürisepp, K., Silm, S. (2021) The impact of COVID-19 on daily lives of transnational people based on smartphone data: Estonians in Finland. Journal of Location Based Services, 15(3), 169–197,

Marcińczak, S., Mooses, V., Strömgren, M., Tammaru, T. (2021) A comparative study of immigrant-native segregation at multiple spatial scales in urban Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(1), 43-65,

Poom, A., Helle, J., Willberg, E., Toivonen, T. (2021) Examining environmental exposure during travel – routing tool and population-level analysis. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on CUPUM – Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management, June 9−11, 2021, Espoo, Finland

Poom, A., Willberg, E., Toivonen, T. (2021) Environmental exposure during travel: A research review and suggestions forward. Health & Place, 70(102584),

Silm, S., Mooses, V., Puura, A., Masso, A., Tominga, A., Saluveer, E. (2021) The Relationship between Ethno-Linguistic Composition of Social Networks and Activity Space: A Study Using Mobile Phone Data. Social Inclusion, 9(2), 192-207,

Silm, S., Jauhiainen, J. S., Raun, J., Tiru, M. (2021) Temporary population mobilities between Estonia and Finland based on mobile phone data and the emergence of a cross-border region. European Planning Studies, 29(4), 699-719,

Tammaru, T., Knapp, D., Silm, S., Van Ham, M., Witlox, F. (2021) Spatial Underpinnings of Social Inequalities: A Vicious Circles of Segregation Approach. Social Inclusion, 9(2), 65−76,

Willberg, E., Tenkanen, H., Poom, A., Salonen, M., Toivonen, T. (2021) Comparing spatial data sources for cycling studies: a review. Transport in Human Scale Cities, 169−187,


Kalvet, T., Olesk, M., Tiits, M., Raun, J. (2020) Innovative Tools for Tourism and Cultural Tourism Impact Assessment. Sustainability12(7470),

Mooses, V., Silm, S., Tammaru, T., Saluveer, E. (2020) An ethno-linguistic dimension in transnational activity space measured with mobile phone data. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 7140,

Poom, A., Helle, J., Toivonen, T. (2020) Journey planners can promote active, healthy and sustainable urban travel. Urbaria Research Report 2020/6. Urbaria Summaries Series, University of Helsinki,

Poom, A., Järv, O., Zook, M., Toivonen, T. (2020) COVID-19 is spatial: Ensuring that mobile Big Data is used for social good. Big Data & Society, 7(2),

Raun, J., Shoval, N., Tiru, M. (2020) Gateways for intra-national tourism flows: measured using two types of tracking technologies. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 6(2), 261−278,

Saluveer, E., Raun, J., Tiru, M., Altin, L., Kroon, J., Snitarenko, T., Aasa, A., Silm, S. (2020) Methodological framework for producing national tourism statistics from mobile positioning data. Annals of Tourism Research, 81,

Silm, S., Järv, O. (2020) Mobiiltelefonid ühiskonna aegruumilises analüüsis. Kuidas mõista andmestunud maailma? Metodoloogiline teejuht. Koostanud ja toimetanud Anu Masso, Katrin Tiidenberg ja Andra Siibak, Tallinna Ülikooli kirjastus

Silm S, Järv O and Masso A (2020) Tracing human mobilities through mobile phones. In: Büschner M, Freudendal-Pedersen M, Kesselring S, Grauslund Kristensen N (eds) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Mobilities. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 182–192,


Aasa, A., Kamenjuk, P., Saluveer, E., Raun, J. (2019) Mobiilpositsioneerimise andmete ruumiline interpoleerimine rahvastikustatistika tootmiseks. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 113. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 100. aastapäeval, Toim. Taavi Pae, Ülo Mander, 168-185

Ahas, R., Mooses, V., Kamenjuk, P., Tamm, R. (2019) Retrofitting Soviet-Era Apartment Buildings with ‘Smart City’ Features: The H2020 SmartEnCity Project in Tartu, Estonia. In D.B. Hess & T. Tammaru (Eds.), Housing Estates in the Baltic Countries. The Legacy of Central Planning in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 357-375,

Orru, K., Poom, A., Nordlund, A. (2019) Socio-structural and psychological factors behind car use: comparing Northern and Eastern Europe. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 119, 313−325,

Masso, A., Silm, S., Ahas, R. (2019) Generational differences in spatial mobility: A study with mobile phone data. Population, Space and Place, 25(2),

Poom, A. (2019) Tegevusruumiuuringud GPSi andmete abil: mobiilsusuuringute labori andmeinfrastruktuur. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 113. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 100. aastapäeval, Toim. Taavi Pae, Ülo Mander, 204−214

Mooses, V., Silm, S. (2019) Kes reisib rohkem – eestlased või venekeelne elanikkond? Etnilised erinevused reisikäitumises mobiilpositsioneerimise andmetel. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 113. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 100. aastapäeval, Toim. Taavi Pae, Ülo Mander

Puura, A., Silm, S., Ahas, R. (2019) The relationship between social networks and spatial mobility. A mobile phone–based study in Estonia. In: Plaut, Pnina O; Shach-Pinsly, Dalit (Ed.). Digital Social Networks and Travel Behaviour in Urban Environments, London: Routledge, 72−93,

Raun, J., Aasa, A., Saluveer, E., Tiru, M., Silm, S. (2019) Turismisihtkoha ajalise ja ruumilise ulatuse mõõtmine mobiilpositsioneerimise andmetega. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 113. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 100. aastapäeval, Toim. Taavi Pae, Ülo Mander, 186−203

Vill, K., Silm, S., Telve, K. (2019) Hargmaiste meediakasutus ja IKT mõju seotusel kodumaaga. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 113. Uurimusi eestikeelse geograafia 100. aastapäeval, Toim. Taavi Pae, Ülo Mander, 129−147


Järv, O., Tenkanen, H., Salonen, M., Ahas, R., Toivonen, T. (2018) Dynamic cities: Location-based accessibility modelling as a function of time. Applied Geography, 95, 101-110,

Puura, A., Silm, S., Ahas, R. (2018) The Relationship between Social Networks and Spatial Mobility: A Mobile-Phone-Based Study in Estonia. Journal of Urban Technology, 25(2), 7−25,

Silm, S., Ahas, R., Mooses, V. (2018)  Are younger age groups less segregated? Measuring ethnic segregation in activity spaces using mobile phone data. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 44(11), 1797-1817,

Tammiksaar, E., Jauhiainen, J. S., Pae, T., Ahas, R. (2018) Edgar Kant, Estonian geography and the reception of Walter Christaller’s central place theory, 1933-1960. Journal of Historical Geography, 60, 77-88,


Burkhard, O., Ahas, R., Saluveer, E., Weibel, R. (2017) Extracting regular mobility patterns from sparse CDR data without a priori assumptions. Journal of Location Based Services, 11(2), 78-97,

Kamenjuk, P., Aasa, A., Sellin, J. (2017) Mapping changes of residence with passive mobile positioning data: the case of Estonia. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31(7), 1425−1447,

Poom, A., Orru, K., & Ahas, R. (2017) The carbon footprint of business travel in the knowledge-intensive service sector. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 50, 292-304,


Mooses, V., Silm, S., Ahas, R. (2016) Ethnic segregation during public and national holidays: a study using mobile phone data. Geografisca Annaler B: Human Geography, 98(3), 205−219,

Poom, A. and Ahas, R. (2016) How Does the Environmental Load of Household Consumption Depend on Residential Location? Sustainability, 8(9), 799,

Raun, J., Ahas, R., Tiru, M. (2016) Measuring tourism destinations using mobile tracking data. Tourism Management 57, 202–212,


Ahas, R, Aasa, A., Yuan, Y., Smoreda, Z., Raubal, M., Liu, Y., Ziemlicki, C., Tiru M., Zook, M. (2015) Everyday Space-Time Geographies: Using mobile phone based sensor data to monitor urban activity in Harbin, Paris and Tallinn. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29(11), 2017-2039,

Järv, O., Müürisepp, K., Ahas, R., Derudder, B., Witlox, F. (2015) Ethnic differences in activity spaces as a characteristic of segregation: A study based on mobile phone usage in Tallinn, Estonia. Urban Studies52(14), 2680–2698,

Toomet, O; Silm, S; Saluveer, E; Ahas, R; Tammaru, T. (2015) Where Do Ethno-Linguistic Groups Meet? How Copresence during Free-Time Is Related to Copresence at Home and at Work. PLoS ONE, 10(5), 1−16,

Zook, M.; Kraak, M.J.; Ahas, R. (2015) Geographies of mobility: applications of location-based data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29(11), 1935−1940,


Ahas, R., Witlox F., Miller, H. (2014) From the Guest Editors: Mobility, Communication, and Urban Space. Journal of Urban Technology 21(2), 1-7,

Järv, O., Ahas, R. and Witlox, F. (2014) Understanding monthly variability in human activity spaces: a twelve-month study using mobile phone call detail records. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 38(1), 122–135,

Lamp, M-L, Ahas, R, Tiru, M, Saluveer, E, Aasa, A. (2014) Mobile positioning data in emergency management: measuring the impact of street riots and political confrontation on incoming tourism. Principle and Application Progress in Location-Based Services, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, 295-314,

Nilbe, K., Ahas, R., Silm, S. (2014) Evaluating the Travel Distances of Events Visitors and Regular Visitors Using Mobile Positioning Data: The Case of Estonia. Journal of Urban Technology, 21(2), 91-107,

Poom, A., Ahas, R., Orru, K. (2014) The impact of residential location and settlement hierarchy on ecological footprint. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 46(10), 2369–2384,

Saluveer E, Ahas, R. (2014) Using Call Detail Records of Mobile Network Operators for transportation studies, Mobile Technologies for Activity-Travel Data Collection & Analysis, 224–238,

Silm, S., Ahas, R. (2014) The temporal variation of ethnic segregation in a city: Evidence from a mobile phone use dataset. Social Science Research, 47, 30-43,

Silm, S., Ahas, R. (2014) Ethnic Differences in Activity Spaces: A Study of Out-of-Home Nonemployment Activities with Mobile Phone Data. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104(3), 542-559,


Novak, J., Ahas, R., Aasa, A., Silm, S. (2013) Application of mobile phone location data in mapping of commuting patterns and functional regionalization: a pilot study of Estonia. Journal of Maps, 9(1), 10 – 15,

Silm, S., Ahas, R., Nuga, M. (2013) Gender differences in space-time mobility patterns in a post-communist city: a case study based on mobile positioning in the suburbs of Tallinn. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 40(5), 814–828.


Järv, O., Ahas, Saluveer, E., Derudder, B., Witlox, F. (2012) Mobile Phones in a Traffic Flow: A Geographical Perspective to Evening Rush Hour Traffic Analysis Using Call Detail Records. PLoS ONE 7(11),


Kuusik, A., Tiru, M., Varblane, U., Ahas, R. (2011) Process innovation in destination marketing: use of passive mobile positioning (PMP) for segmentation of repeat visitors in case of Estonia. Baltic Journal of Management, 6(3), 378–399,

Saluveer, E., Silm, S., Ahas, R. (2011) Theoretical and methodological framework for measuring physical co-presence with mobile positioning databases. Advances in Location-Based Services, 247-266,


Ahas, R. (2010) From the Guest Editor: Mobile Positioning and Tracking in Geography and Planning. Journal of Urban Technology, 17(1), 1-2,

Ahas, R. (2010) Mobile positioning data in geography and planning, Editorial. Journal of Location Based Services, 4(2), 67-69,

Ahas, R. (2010) Mobile positioning in mobility studies. In: Mobile Methods (Büscher, M., Urry, J., Witchger K eds.) Routledge, 183-199

Ahas, R. Aasa, A., Silm, S., Tiru, M. (2010) Daily rhythms of suburban commuters’ movements in the Tallinn metropolitan area: case study with mobile positioning data. Transportation Research C: Emerging Technologies, 18, 45–54,

Ahas, R., Silm, S., Järv, O., Saluveer E., Tiru, M. (2010) Using Mobile Positioning Data to Model Locations Meaningful to Users of Mobile Phones. Journal of Urban Technology, 17(1), 3-27,

Kuusik, A.; Ahas, R.; Tiru, M. (2010) The ability of tourism events to generate destination loyalty towards the country: an Estonian case study. Estonian Discussions on Economic Policy,, 18, 156 – 175,

Silm, S., Ahas, R., (2010) The seasonal variability of population in Estonian municipalities. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 42(10), 2527-2546,

Tiru, M., Kuusik, A., Lamp, M-L., Ahas, R. (2010) LBS in marketing and tourism management: measuring destination loyalty with mobile positioning data. Journal of Location Based Services, 4(2), 120-140,

Tiru, M., Saluveer, E., Ahas, R., Aasa, A. (2010) The Positium Barometer: A Web-Based Tool for Monitoring the Mobility of Tourists. Journal of Urban Technology, 17(1), 71-89,


Ahas, R., Pechlaner, H., Nilbe, K. (2009) Developing event marketing strategies with mobile telephone positioning data: case study with Lindora agricultural fair in Estonia. Events and meeting in the city, Göteborg, Sweden, 17.-20.06.2009, conference proceedings

Kuusik, A., Ahas, R., Tiru, M. (2009) Analysing Repeat Visitation on Country Level with Passive Mobile Positioning Method: An Estonian Case Study, Estonian Discussions on Economic Policy, 17,


Ahas, R. Aasa, A., Roose, A., Mark, Ü., Silm, S. (2008) Evaluating passive mobile positioning data for tourism surveys: An Estonian case study. Tourism Management 29(3), 469–486,

Ahas, R., Saluveer, E., Tiru,M. and Silm, S. (2008) Mobile Positioning Based Tourism Monitoring System: Positium Barometer. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2008, 475-485,

Ahas, R., Silm, S,  Saluveer, E. and Järv, O. (2008) Modelling Home and Work Locations of Populations Using Passive Mobile Positioning Data., Location Based Services and TeleCartography II, 301-315,

Tammaru, T., Leetmaa, K., Silm, S, Ahas, R. (2008) Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of the New Residential Areas around Tallinn. European Planning Studies, 17(3), 423-439,


Ahas, R., Aasa, A., Mark, Ü., Pae, T., Kull, T. (2007) Seasonal tourism spaces in Estonia: case study with mobile positioning data. Tourism Management, 28(3), 898–910,

Ahas, R., Aasa, A., Silm, S., Aunap, R., Kalle, H., Mark, Ü. (2007) Mobile positioning in space-time behaviour studies: Social Positioning Method experiments in Estonia. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 34(4), 259-273,

Ahas, R., Aasa, A., Silm, S., Tiru, M. (2007) Mobile positioning data in tourism studies and monitoring: case study in Tartu, Estonia. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2007, 119-128,

Ahas, R., Laineste, J., Aasa, A., Mark, Ü. (2007) The Spatial Accuracy of Mobile Positioning: Some experiences with Geographical Studies in Estonia. Location Based Services and TeleCartography, 122-146,


Ahas, R., Mark, Ü., Järv, O., Nuga, M. (2006) Mobile positioning in sustainability studies: Social Positioning Method in Studying Commuter’s Activity Spaces in Tallinn In: Mander, Ü., Brebbia, C.A. and Tiezzi, E. (Eds.) The Sustainable City IV. Urban Regeneration and Sustainability. WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, 127-135,

Pae, K., Ahas, R. and Mark, Ü. (eds.) (2006) Joint Space. Open Source on Mobile Positioning and Urban Studies. X Venice Biennaale of Architecture. Positium, Tallinn, 174


Ahas, R., Mark, Ü. (2005) Location based services – new challenges for planning and public administration? Futures, 37(6), 547-561,