Aasa, A., Poom, A. (2024) Helid ja heaolu tänavaruumis / Sounds and well-being in the street space [in Estonian]. Linnaruumikonverents „Meil aiaäärne tänavas“, 18.10.2024. [UTTV, starting at 1:30:25]
Silm, S., Mooses, V., Tominga, A. (2024) Ethnic exposure in activity places – a study with GPS and survey data. Mobile Tartu 2024, 14.06.2024.
Haamer, M., Poom, A., Aasa, A. (2024) Student movement flows between university campuses in Tartu based on individual timetables. Mobile Tartu 2024, 14.06.2024.
Tominga, A. (session chair) (2024) PhD School Workshop Presentations. Mobile Tartu 2024, 13.06.2024.
Silm, S. (session chair), Wismans, L. (session chair) (2024) Session 3B – Special NECTAR session: Transport information extraction from mobile big data. Mobile Tartu 2024, 13.06.2024.
Raun, J., Järv, O., Leppämäki, T., Toivonen, T.(2024) Understanding changes of visitors in national parks from mobile data: the COVID-19 short- and long-term influence Mobile Tartu 2024, 13.06.2024.
Tominga, A., Veenpere, H., Silm, S.(2024) What population statistics crisis managers actually need? Calculating indicators based on four years of mobile positioning data. Mobile Tartu 2024, 13.06.2024.
Saidla, K., Willberg, E., Vallejo, B., Silm, S., Poom, A.(2024) Policy for bike share success in cities big and small: Helsinki, Finland, and Tartu, Estonia. Mobile Tartu 2024, 13.06.2024.
Poom, A., Saar, M., Tigane, K., Paršova, D., Kreegipuu, K., Pentus, K., Kuusik, A. (2024) Does seasonality matter? Measuring pedestrian perception of seasonal greenery and soundscapes in walking environments. Mobile Tartu 2024, 12.06.2024.
Aasa, A., Öövel, J. (2024) Beauty contest of activity spaces. Comparison of five different methods. Mobile Tartu 2024, 12.06.2024.
Poom, A., Jalonen, E., Haamer, M., Aasa, A., Tominga, A., Korp, L. (2024) University of Tartu mobility survey. Department of Geography seminar, University of Tartu, 20.03.2024.
Silm, S. (moderator). (2024) Sessioon 12: Inimeste paiknemine, liikuvus ja haavatavus hädaolukordades: uued analüüsivahendid kriisijuhtimise tõhustamiseks. / Session 12: Location, mobility and vulnerability of people in emergency situations: new analysis methods for streamlining crisis management [in Estonian]. Tartu Planeerimiskonverents 2024, 15.03.2024.
Poom, A. (moderator), Ventsel, L. (moderator) (2024) Sessioon 5: Julged otsused planeerimises. / Session 5: Brave choices in planning [in Estonian]. Tartu Planeerimiskonverents 2024, 14.03.2024.
Poom, A., Jalonen, E., Haamer, M., Aasa, A., Tominga, A., Korp, L. (2024) University of Tartu mobility survey. City Form Lab research seminar, MIT, 21.02.2024.
Poom, A. (2023) How can spatial data science support healthy and sustainable urban mobility? Delta Centre Data Science Seminar, 28.11.2023, Tartu. https://youtu.be/-s_-paRRbeo?si=7NdCIfoQCRtF5q2T (starting at 01:24:44)
Haamer, M. (2023) Martin Haamer „Kas bussisõit peabki aeglane olema?“ Teadus 3 minutiga / Martin Haamer “Does the busride have to be so slow” Science in 3 minutes [in Estonian], 28.09.2023, Tartu. [https://www.uttv.ee/naita?id=34742]
Poom, A., Paršova, D., Pentus, K., Kuusik, A. (2023) Does seasonality matter? Measuring pedestrian perception of seasonal greenery in walking environments with eye-tracking experimentation, RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 30.08.2023, London
Tominga, A. (2023) Põgenikest, geograafiast ja andmetest / Refugees, geography and data [in Estonian], ESTGIS summer University, 11.08.2023, Pariis, Estonia
Saidla, K. (2023) The little city that could: Bike share policy in Tartu. Velo City conference, 09.-12.05.2023, Leipzig
Saidla, K. (2023) Policy for successful bike share in cities big and small: Helsinki vs Tartu, Department of Geography Seminar, 03.05.2023, Tartu
Silm, S., Tominga, A., Tammaru, T.(2023) The experience of studying spatio-temporal patterns of Ukrainian refugees in Estonia based on mobile phone data, Webinar: Displacement and Disaster Statistics using Mobile Phone Data, 06.04.2023, Online event [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt_g7GnnPOI]
Aasa, A. (2023) Visualiseerimise jõud planeerimisprotsessis / Power of visualization in the process of planning [in Estonian]. Presentation and panel discussion, Tartu Planning Conference, 31.03.2023, Tartu. [UTTV]
Poltimäe, H., Rehema, M., Raun, J., Poom, A. (2023) Maapiirkondade kestlike liikumislahenduste otsingul / In search of sustainable mobility solutions for rural regions [in Estonian]. Presentation and panel discussion, Tartu Planning Conference, 31.03.2023, Tartu. [https://www.uttv.ee/naita?id=34345]
Poom, A., Aasa, A. (2023) Tervist ja heaolu toetav liikumiskeskkond: jalakäijate eelistused ja tänavaruumi keskkonnakvaliteet / Healthy and pleasant active travel environment: pedestrians’ preferences and the quality of the street space [in Estonian]. Presentation and panel discussion, Tartu Planning Conference, 30.03.2023, Tartu. [https://www.uttv.ee/naita?id=34336]
Saidla, K. (2023) Väike puust linn, mis suutis. Tartu rattaringluse edu taga olevad otsused / The little wooden city that could. Decisions behind the success of bike sharing in Tartu [in Estonian]. Tartu Planning Conference, 30.03.2023, Tartu. [UTTV]
Silm, S., Tominga, A., Poom, A., Tammaru, T. (2023) Asukoha mõju tallinlaste liikumisprofiilide kujunemisele 15-minuti linna kontekstis / Location impact on mobility profiles of the residents of Tallinn in the context of a 15-minute city. Presentation and panel discussion, Tartu Planning Conference, 30.03.2023, Tartu.[https://www.uttv.ee/naita?id=34336]
Poom, A., Maidla, M.-J. (2023) Geograafia: mida Sulle koolis ei õpetata / Geography: what you don’t learn at school [in Estonian]. Tartu Ülikooli lahtiste uste päev / Open Doors Day of the University of Tartu, 5.03.2023, Tartu.
Tominga, A. (2023) Making sense of data in times of crises, OPORA Conference, 10.02.2023, Hague
Aasa, A. (2022) Inimeste igapäevaste tegevusruumide eksponeeritus keskkonnale / Everyday activity space and its exposure to the environment [in Estonian] , Loodusteadused 220, 18.11.2022, Tartu [UTTV]
Silm, S., Tominga, A., Tammaru, T.(2022) Spatio-temporal patterns of Ukrainian refugees in Estonia based on mobile phone data, Expert workshop ‘Making the most of mobile phone data to map migration’, 17.11.2022, Istanbul
Silm, S., Tominga, A. (2022) Spatio-temporal patterns of Ukrainian refugees in Estonia based on mobile phone data, Mobility Lab research seminar, Tartu 15.11.2022
Anto, A. (2022) Igapäevaste liikumis- ja paiknemismustrite erinevused Kalamaja ja Priisle elanike näitel / Differences in everyday movement and location patterns using the example of Kalamaja and Priisle residents [in Estonian] , Integratsioonikonverents 2022, 11.11.2022, Tallinn [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59-Vzyj1iOU&list=PL5C1FzK7Uafm0SE8D8ifMqg-hP_yJpaRg&index=10]
Tominga, A. (2022) What smartphone tracking reveals us about human spatial behaviour during crises? University of Tartu Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences Conference, 25.10.2022, Tartu
Silm, S. (2022) Smartphone-based data collection application MobilityLog and related user interfaces, MobilityLogi tutvustuse seminar, 14.10.2022
Silm, S. (2022) Mobiilpositsioneerimine ja selle kasutamine inimeste liikuvuse uurimisel / Mobile positioning and using it to research human mobility [in Estonian], Geograafia tund Püha Johennese koolis, 13.10.2022, Tallinn
Poom, A. (2022) Perspectives and challenges for using mobile big data for social good. CCAMEU Workshop “Transformations in Digital Revolution: AI, Automation, & Mobility”. 4.10.2022, Tokyo, Japan.
Tominga, A. (2022) Trip and travel mode detection using smartphone application tracking data, Location Based Services Conference 2022, 13.08.2022, Munich
Poom, A. (2022)Muuseumist, keskkonnast ja kohanemisest / About museums, the environment, and climate adaptation [in Estonian]. Muuseumifestival / Museum festival, 26-27.09.2022, Narva.
Poom, A., Kankaala, K. (2022) Climate-neutral cities’ conference. Discussion on livable cities and diverse urban space, 9.09.2023, Tartu.
Bockarjova, M., Poom, A., Lotfata, A. (2022) Circular economy and nature-based solutions. Session chairs, AESOP Congress, 25–29.07.2022, Tartu.
Poom, A., Willberg, E., Helle, J., Toivonen, T. (2022) Environmental exposure in active travel environments. AESOP Congress, 25–29.07.2022, Tartu.
Sevtšuk, A., Freudendal-Pedersen, M., Witlox, F., Part, A. J., Poom, A. (2022) Panel discussion on sustainable urban mobility, Mobile Tartu 2022 Conference, 28–30.06.2022, Tartu. [https://youtu.be/FNQ_WOH-xhM ]
Willberg, E., Poom, A., Fink, C., Toivonen, T. (2022) Enriching and scaling measures on sustainable travel environments with novel data and tools. Mobile Tartu 2022 Conference, 28–30.06.2022, Tartu.
Silm, S., Tominga, A., Poom, A., Tammaru, T. (2022) Socio-spatial inequalities in urban mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tallinn, Estonia, Mobile Tartu 2022 Conference, 29.06.2022, Tartu
Tominga, A. (2022) Using mobile positioning to generate population statistics for crisis management, Mobile Tartu 2022 Conference, 28.06.2022, Tartu
Fink, C., Toivonen, T., Poom, A. (2022) Data and tools for environmental exposure assessment during urban mobility. Workshop chairs, Mobile Tartu PhD course “Mobility data analysis for social and environmental research”, 28.–29.06.2022, Palamuse-Tartu.
Poom, A., Willberg, E., Helle, J., Toivonen, T. (2022) Spatial disparities in environmental exposure during walking: a comparison of mobility- and residential-based approach using mobile phone data. Mobile Tartu 2022 Conference, 28–30.06.2022, Tartu.
Poom, A. (2022) Omavalitsuse roll rohepöördes / The role of local governments in the digital transition [in Estonian]. Minuomavalitsuse 2021. a teenustasemete seminar / Seminar, the levels of services of local governments. 15.06.2022, Tallinn. [https://youtu.be/92mcM69-ZJM]
Poom, A. (2022)Geospatial data for route choice assistance and en route environmental exposure analytics. Workshop lead, Baltic Geospatial Information Technology Conference, 1.–3.06.2022, Tallinn.
Silm, S. (2022) Mobiiliandmetel põhinev rahvastikustatistika kaardirakendus / Mobile data based population statistics map application [in Estonian], IMO lõpuseminar, 17.05.2022, Online event [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBkpJg7YJi8&t=1s]
Silm, S. (2022) IMO – mobiilsusuuringuid toetav andmetaristu / IMO – data structure that supports mobility research [in Estonian], IMO lõpuseminar, 17.05.2022, Online event [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBkpJg7YJi8&t=1s]
Poom, A. Kuidas planeerida head linnaruumi ja elukeskkonda? / How to plan a good urban environment? [in Estonian] Tartu Ülikooli lahtiste uste päev / Open Doors Day of the University of Tartu, 2.03.2022, Tartu.
Tominga, A. (2022) New tools for identifying vulnerable citizens and planning evacuation, EENA Conference, 14.03.2022, Marseille
Poom, A., Willberg, E., Toivonen, T. (2022) Geospatial Health Symposium #3: The advantages and challenges of using big data in environmental exposure research. Session organizers, AAG Virtual Conference, 25.02–1.03.2022, New York.
Poom, A., Willberg, E., Helle, J., Toivonen, T. (2022) Exposure to environmental conditions during walking: a comparison of mobility and residential-based approach using mobile big data. AAG Virtual Conference, 25.02–1.03.2022, New York.
Silm, S. (2021) Implementing the three pillars of smart city: SUSTAINABILITY, DIGITALISATION and SOCIAL INCLUSION in Tartu, Estonia, EXPO 2020,15.12.2021
Silm, S. (2021) Ethnic differences in people’s activity space based on mobile positioning data, International conference on integration “30 years of integration: success stories, challenges, and unused opportunities”, 11.-12.11.2021, Tallinn [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzspGtnlzxg&t=145s]
Silm, S. (2021) Etnilised erinevused inimeste tegevusruumis mobiilpositsioneerimise andmetel / Ethnic differences in peoples mobility space based on mobile positioning data [in Estonian], Seminar “30 aastat lõimumist”, Tallinn 09.11.2021
Poom, A. (2021) Healthy travel environments for everyone: from individual route choice to just and sustainable societies. Webinaari: Ihmisen kokoista kaupunkia suunnittelemassa: oppeja tutkimuksesta ja liikennesuunnittelun arjesta / Webinar: Human-scale approach to transport: lessons learned from research and planning practices. 26.10.2022, Helsinki. [https://youtu.be/UYSlND7qqjc ]
Poom, A. (2021) Terved ja jätkusuutlikud linnad / Healthy and sustainable cities [in Estonian]. Presentation in the online seminar series “Women in Business – Green and Caring World”. 9.09.2021, Tallinn. [https://youtu.be/AF0JgTNFykw]
Poom, A., Helle, J., Willberg, E., Toivonen, T. (2021) Examining environmental exposure during travel – a routing tool and population-level analysis. The 17th International Conference on Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM), 9.–11.06.2021, Helsinki.
Silm, S. (2021) Combining smartphone based application MobilityLog and quantitative interviews to study people`s mobility, 2nd MASS Workshop. Mobile Apps and Sensors in Surveys, 23.04.2021, Online event
Silm, S. (2021) The impact of COVID-19 on daily lives of transnational Estonians in Finland, EIT Urban Mobility online, 14.04.2021, Online event
Tominga A., (2021) Technological innovations for crisis management, BuildERS Conference, 10.03.2021, Helsinki
Silm, S. (2021) Infotehnoloogiline mobiilsusobservatoorium (IMO) – mobiilsusuuringuid toetav andmetaristu / Infotechnological mobilityobservatory (IMO) – data infrastructure that supports mobility research [in Estonian], OKEE andmeklubi, 16.02.2021, Online event
Silm, S. (2021) Mobiiliandmetel põhinev rahvastikustatistika kaardirakendus / Mobile data based population statistics map application [in Estonian], OKEE andmeklubi, 16.02.2021, Online event