
GreenStreets: Exposure to greenery and noise in active travel environments

GreenStreets is an individual research grant, which is carried out by Age Poom at the Mobility Lab in collaboration with the Laboratory of Neuromarketing, University of Tartu.

The project aims to understand how people perceive greenery and noise exposure in active travel environments. The project plan combines spatial and audio-visual data from Tallinn, Estonia, and applies attention and emotion analytics in lab settings. The experiences of people are captured during different seasons. The results will provide cities with new knowledge for planning and implementing urban green infrastructure. This would support the use of active travel modes year-round and respond to the current challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss.


2022. a novembris viisime läbi eksperimendi keskkonnatingimuste rollist tänavaruumi tajumisel jalakäijana. Uuringus osalejatel palusime vaadata ja hinnata tänavaruumi pilte ekraanil ning vastata küsimustikule. Pildivaatamise ajal jälgisime osaleja pilku ja näoväljendusi tema tähelepanu ning emotsioonide tuvastamiseks.

Uuring toimus Tartu Ülikooli Delta õppehoone neuroturunduse laboris.



  • Khreis, H., Williams, H., Abdollahpour, S. S., van den Bosch, M., Mudu, P., Tainio, M., Poom, A., Sohrabi. S., Hankey, S. (2024). The nexus of transportation, the built environment, air pollution and health. Cities & Health, 1–20.
  • Silm, S., Tominga, A., Saidla, K., Poom, A., Tammaru, T. (2024). Socio-economic and residential differences in urban modality styles based on a long-term smartphone experiment. Journal of Transport Geography, 115, h
  • Le, H.T.K., Poom, A. (2023). Advancing environmental exposure and health impact assessment research with travel behaviour studies. Transport Reviews, 1-10,
  • Helle, J., Poom, A., Willberg, E., Toivonen, T. (2023) The Green Paths Route Planning Software for Exposure-Optimised Active Travel. Journal of Open Research Software, 11 (1), 10,
  • Johansson, L., Poom, A., Niemi, J., Timonen, H., Karppinen, A. (2022) On the Utilization of Real-Time Activity and Air Quality Sensor Data in a Local-Scale Operative Dispersion Model in Helsinki. In Mensink, C., Jorba, O. (Eds.), Springer Proceedings in Complexity: Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVIII, 43–50,
  • Torkko, J., Poom, A., Willberg, E., Toivonen, T. (2023) How to best map greenery from a human perspective? Comparing computational measurements with human perception. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 5,
  • Willberg, E., Poom, A., Helle, J., Toivonen, T. (2023) Cyclists’ exposure to air pollution, noise, and greenery: a population-level spatial analysis approach. International Journal of Health Geographics, 22(5), 1–21,


Media coverage


  • Poom, A., Willberg, E., Helle, J., Toivonen, T. Spatial disparities in environmental exposure during walking: a comparison of mobility- and residential-based approach using mobile phone data. Mobile Tartu 2022 Conference, 29.06.2022, Tartu.
  • Poom, A., Willberg, E., Helle, J., Toivonen, T. Environmental exposure in active travel environments. AESOP Congress, 28.07.2022, Tartu.
  • Poom, A. Tänavaruumi keskkonnatingimuste pilgujälgimise katse. Mobiilsusuuringute labori teadusseminar, 29.11.2022, Tartu
  • Poom, A., Aasa. A. Tervist ja heaolu toetav liikumiskeskkond: jalakäijate eelistused ja tänavaruumi keskkonnakvaliteet. Tartu Planeerimiskonverents 2023, 30.03.2023. (algus: 13 min)
  • Poom, A., Paršova, D., Pentus, K., Kuusik, A. Does seasonality matter? Measuring pedestrian perception of seasonal greenery in walking environments with eye-tracking experimentation, RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 30.08.2023, London
  • Poom, A. How can spatial data science support healthy and sustainable urban mobility? Delta Centre Data Science Seminar, 28.11.2023, Tartu. (starting at 01:24:44)
  • Poom, A., Saar, M., Tigane, K., Paršova, D., Kreegipuu, K., Pentus, K., Kuusik, A. Does seasonality matter? Measuring pedestrian perception of seasonal greenery and soundscapes in walking environments. Mobile Tartu 2024 Conference, 12.06.2024, Tartu
  • Project name: Exposure to greenery and noise in active travel environments: opportunities for making cities pleasant, healthy and sustainable
  • Duration: November 2021-October 2023
  • Funding: Estonian Research Council, Mobilitas Pluss returning researcher grant
  • Principal Investigator: Age Poom, Mobility Lab, University of Tartu
  • Collaboration partner: Neuromarketing Lab, University of Tartu
  • Project information in the Estonian Research Information System