BuildERS―works on increasing the societal resilience and social capital of European communities and citizens. It will do this by genuinely co-designing processes and tools with citizens, first-responder organisations and technology tools developers. The project will incorporate an inclusive and interactive research and analysis process, where the results are not derived ‘top-down’ but through a ‘bottom-top’ dynamic interaction.
Objectives of the BuildERS project are:
- Providing an understanding of and how the most vulnerable people exposed to risks and threats understand risks, prepare for and behave individually and collectively in crisis.
- Creating knowledge to empower and activate first-responders, policy makers, administrators, public and private service providers and citizens.
- Analysing and providng insights on how new technologies and media could improve disaster resilience of societies.
- Providing policy recommendations to the relevant stakeholders to maximize the usability and reliability of social media in disasters and recovery processes.
Mobility Lab provided a spatial analysis of population group presence and mobility based on population statistics dashboard and discussed its benefits for disaster management. The dashboard includes spatio-temporal human dynamic maps generated from mobile positioning data by Positium. The usability of the dashboard was created and evaluated with Estonian Rescue Board in tabletop exercises.
Research papers
- Tominga, A., Silm, S., Orru, K., Vent, K., Klaos, M., Võik, E-J., Saluveer, E. (2023) Mobile positioning-based population statistics in crisis management: An Estonian case study. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 96,
- Tominga, A (2021). Mobiilpositsioneerimise andmete rakendamine kriisireguleerimisel. Magistritöö Tartu Ülikoolis.
Public presentations and media coverage
- Tominga, A. (2022) Using historical mobile phone positioning data in disaster management. Keränen, J. (Ed.). Handbook to improve societal disaster resilience: BuildERS project findings. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. VTT Technology No. 406
- Võik, E., Tominga, A., Klaos, M., Silm, S., Orru, K., Lusikka, T. (2021) BUILDERS D4.3 Practice & product innovation “Applying mobile positioning data for more precise rescue planning and emergency management under cyber-hazard in Estonia”
- Silm, S., Orru, K., Tominga, A., Klaos, M., Võik, E.-J. (2021) “Mobiilpositsioneerimise andmed aitavad hädaolukordi juhtida”. Novaator
- Project name: Building European Communities’ Resilience and Social Capital
- Duration: 1.05.2019-30.04.2022
- Funding: EU Horizon 2020
- Lead partner: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- Principal Investigators at the University of Tartu: Kati Orru (Institute of Social Studies)
- Principal Investigators at the Mobility Lab: Siiri Silm
- People involved: Ago Tominga
- Collaboration partners in Estonia: Estonian Rescue Board, Positium
- Project webpage:
- Project information in the Estonian Research Information System