Our Year 2024! 

Our traditional Vaaba summer seminar. Photo courtesy of Jürgen Öövel. With the year 2024 passing by, it is time to look back at its special moments, achievements, and new beginnings. We are grateful for the opportunities the year has brought us and proudly recall some of the common highlights of our Mobility Lab, a research… Continue reading Our Year 2024! 

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Demographic forecasts for future emergency services are launched

Siiri and Ago with our colleagues Kati Orru, Ingeliis Siimsen (Institute of Social Studies), Evelyn Uuemaa, Ats Remmelg, Alexander Kmoch (Chair of Geoinformatics & Cartography) and Tiit Tammaru (Centre for Migration and Urban Studies) participated in a project for Päästeamet / Estonian Rescue Board for mapping societal trends and indicators that will affect the future… Continue reading Demographic forecasts for future emergency services are launched

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Our team in the Cycle4Climate project

The EU Interreg Central Baltic Programme-funded Cycle4Climate project (C4C) aims to implement and evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of physical and social interventions to make people switch from car travel to bike travel. But what do our team members Age, Veronika and Elise do in the project? What are they most looking forward to in… Continue reading Our team in the Cycle4Climate project

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New research assistant recruited!

This November, after a dense recruitment process, Liisa Pihus joined our lab as a mobility research assistant. Welcome, Liisa! To get to know you better, we hereby ask you three questions. What is your background? I have studied recreation management and worked in various customer service and event management positions. In recent years, I was… Continue reading New research assistant recruited!

A new doctoral network kicks off

This September has come with the launch of a new MSCA doctoral network on city-university collaboration to foster green and digital transition. The SUNSET network, “Smart and Sustainable Host UniverCities: Leveraging City-University Interactions to Further the Twin Green and Digital Transition”, involves six universities, ten doctoral candidates and sixteen supervisors from five countries. It builds… Continue reading A new doctoral network kicks off

New PhD Candidate joins the Lab!

The start of the new academic year brings new people to our Lab, including a new PhD student! We asked him to introduce himself and answer some fun questions. Welcome to the Mobility Lab, Michele! Hi there! I’m Michele, and I’m originally from the town of Arezzo in Tuscany. I’m about to embark on an… Continue reading New PhD Candidate joins the Lab!

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Oleme assistendi otsingutel

Kandideeri mobiilsusuuringute labori assistendiks! Oleme uue assistendi otsingutel, et leida laborile asjalik-oskuslik abiline, kes toetaks teadlasi nende töös. Selleks, et otsingud õige inimese meieni tooks, soovime anda siin blogipostituses mobiilsusuuringute labori elust väikese ülevaate.   Loe lähemalt ja kandideeri assistendi töökohale SIIN Septembri saabudes valitseb akadeemilisel maastikul ikka selline uue hooaja tunne. Töörühmadega liituvad uued… Continue reading Oleme assistendi otsingutel

Mobile Tartu 2024 Conference Summary

From June 11 to 14, the international conference and doctoral school Mobile Tartu 2024 took place in Tartu. The conference discussed how to best utilise the possibilities of big data collected during daily mobility for planning public services, just and liveable spaces, and sustainable transport systems. This was already the ninth Mobile Tartu conference, which… Continue reading Mobile Tartu 2024 Conference Summary

Mobile big data supports human mobility research and spatial planning  

From June 11 to 14, the international conference and doctoral school Mobile Tartu 2024 will take place in Tartu. The conference will discuss how to best utilise the possibilities of big data collected during daily mobility for planning public spaces and transport systems and addressing crisis situations. The conference’s keynote speeches and panel discussions will… Continue reading Mobile big data supports human mobility research and spatial planning  

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Tartu Planning Conference 2024

The Tartu Planning Conference, initiated by our lab back in 2015, occurred for the ninth time this March. The conference has grown into a major spatial planning event, which gathers Estonian planning practitioners, researchers, and stakeholder groups. The conference accommodated around 400 participants who were quick enough to register as the VSpa venue has its… Continue reading Tartu Planning Conference 2024